Testimonials — See what clients are saying about working with me.

I to wanted become a healthier individual, but I didn’t know where to start on my own. I knew I needed the external motivation and accountability to begin strides towards change in my life. Mary led me through piecing together a vision for my personal health and drew out a genuine ownership within me of accomplishing my goals. Mary’s knowledge and encouragement was crucial in helping me to cultivate a sustainable balance of healthy eating, exercise and sleep. My time with Mary has been the catalyst for a more positive self image and an overall improved quality of life and I would recommend her to anyone!
— Laura, Seattle
I decided to work with Mary as my health coach because I was burned out by my current routines and looking for a way to effectively manage stress in my life. Mary for sure challenged me out of my comfort zone and effectively changed my behavior. She’s a strong coach with a lot to offer. My biggest take away was being able to have an open dialogue with an unbiased professional about what was contributing to my current situation. Then being asked questions to think through what was in my control to change. My biggest success was being able to set goals and reflect on a recurring basis on my progress so that I can see how small changes over a long period (7 months) were having an appreciable effect on my life. I now have an enhanced awareness of what my triggers for stress and mitigation plan to keep things in check.
— Jeremy, Seattle
My Primary Care Provider recommended I work with Mary as my Health Coach. She was excellent! Great coach with a great ability to encourage rather than direct plans and goals for my personal growth. My biggest successes while working with Mary as my coach was going above and beyond the goals I set for myself.
— Rebecca, Seattle
I want to thank you for helping me through a good portion of this year. I️t means a lot. Your positivity and coaching helped me through this major growing period in my life. I️ hope with whatever you end up doing still involves coaching and your positivity because you really have a gift. You’re extremely uplifting so thank you again.
— Jacqui, Fort Collins, CO
I worked with Mary as a professional colleague and I would recommend her to a friend. She is comforting, approachable and non-judgemental. Mary is a genuine person. Also very organized. I’ll never forget her introducing me to OneNote for coaching references - changed my life!
— Alia, Seattle
I decided to work with Mary as my health coach because of her desire to make me feel I could do it, even if I really didn’t think I could reach my goal due to how far I had to go.
— Carrie, Seattle
Mary was a great fit for me. The most helpful part of working with her as my coach was being held accountable in a very safe, non-judgemental, and caring way. It was not the regimented “you MUST do this to succeed or you will FAIL” mantra I was used to hearing, both externally and internally. This allowed me to reframe those internal thoughts into a much kinder voice of self-care rather than shame and guilt. I am now embracing and enjoying self-care and balance after Mary’s guidance, permission, and care to help me take the first steps on my journey. She has also taught me how to handle and successfully negotiate the bumps and hurdles on my path along the way. In such a very short period of time, I have traveled so far in my journey of self-care, happiness, and balance. Mary, you have taught me more than you will ever know and I will forever be grateful and appreciative. Part of my journey is to share the kindness and care you have shown me to others and pay it forward. By continuing to grow in my self-care development, I will be better able to care for others, which brings me great joy. Thank you for all you do and for the magic ways of delivering messages that I had previously not been able or ready to receive!! Your voice, smile and grace will forever be in a special place in my head and my heart! Namaste!
— Alissa, Seattle
My biggest success while working with Mary was that my home FINALLY rose up to greet me, my big life transition finally reached the courts and my child is finally put in the position to get the best of both parents.— my success is measured by sticking with it, the road has been at times long and tedious, but with the help of my coach, learning to have faith and LOVE MORE, WORRY LESS! Mary walks the talk and never made me feel like I should do more, but kept my own vision statement coming back like an old friend— one that knows you better than you know yourself.
— RJ, Seattle
Mary helped me find my own self-motivation. I appreciated her reflecting on all of my past accomplishments and helping me make ‘ah-ha’ realizations, like exercise impacts all other aspects of my health and well being. I really appreciate all that you have done. Thank you for thinking of me as a whole person, your encouragement and your patience.
— Sarah, Seattle
I was under a lot of stress and it was affecting many parts of my overall health picture. I needed someone to talk to about strategies to deal with the stress and get back on track. It was helpful having someone unbiased to talk to who had only my health goals in mind and learning new stress relieving strategies. My biggest success while working with Mary as my coach was learning how to be more “present.” I would like to thank Mary for listening and challenging me to break down my own barriers and listen to my inner self.
— Melissa, Seattle
I decided to work with a coach because I wanted to discuss what I was concerned about and take control of my life to make improvements. It was a good beginning and helped to highlight behaviors that needed some adjustments to improve results. The most helpful part of working with Mary was the goal setting, tools, accountability and encouragement. I was successful at getting started with sustainable, healthy habits and started to make improvements with my health. In response to the coaching and tools I decided to purchase a FitBit for my wife and myself to better calculate caloric burn and effects of sleep and heart rate on my health.
— Eric, Seattle
Truth be told, I was kinda in tears during our talk today because feeling understood and being able to just make a step toward better care for myself felt extremely cathartic. Thank you Mary!
— Justin, San Francisco
I decided to work with Mary as my Health Coach because of her passion for people, ability to help me find my strengths, pushing me at the right moments. We built a relationship of safety and trust.
— Hala, Seattle
Mary was incredibly helpful in me getting my life back. I had reached a point where I felt like I didn’t know if I could do it. I was heavier than I’ve ever been in my entire life and it scared me. I weighed as much as a professional football player! Her patience when I didn’t seem to be making any progress (at least to myself) was so helpful because what I didn’t understand was that I was building a foundation. I was changing my thinking so that I could change my life in a healthy, realistic, long-term way. Now, getting to my goal weight seems possible. But more importantly, I have returned to doing activities I had stopped doing and I feel more comfortable in my body. I can’t wait to see what my continued weight loss and increased activity yields!
— Amy, Seattle
Working with Mary helped me from beating myself up completely and crawling in a dark hole and never coming out. She helped me to focus on the positive and emphasized the growth and positives in my accomplishments - even though I sometimes didn’t feel there were any. My biggest success was that I kept coming back. I am better able to see the positives instead of betraying myself with negativity. She was really good at keeping time, keeping focused and reframing for understanding. I have always enjoyed and appreciated her suggestions (books, websites, activity, etc.) She is a wealth of knowledge.
— Karen- Kenmore, WA
I decided to work with Mary as my Health Coach because of her kindness, professionalism, and accountability helped me to feel comfortable and not stressed about timelines but focus on how to achieve goals at my own pace and what works for me.
— Michelle, Seattle
I like your straight up style. You are real and authentic. You’re a super good listener and a “tell it like it is” person. Easy to talk to and down to earth. I felt like you really cared.
— Kyle, San Diego