Free 30 minute Strategy Session
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Free 30 minute Strategy Session

In this free consultation we will explore your readiness for change, if coaching is right for you and if we are a good match. We will discuss your key issues, desires and motivators and map out the steps you need to take to get from point A to point B. 

3 Month Weight Loss Intensive

You are ready to take the leap and get serious about making some lifestyle changes. You want consistent accountability and measured results. You are done with fad diets, deprivation or unrealistic expectations. You are ready to shift your mindset and free yourself of self- sabotaging and deflating thoughts. You want to change your relationship to food/exercise/self-care and create healthy daily habits that are sustainable for your lifetime. 

6 Session Package

Change is a non-linear journey and contrary to the popular trend, it usually takes more than 21 days to truly create sustainable habits. Committing to the process of trial-and-correction through a series of coaching sessions will help you establish a solid path as you deepen your self-awareness, align your actions with your values and tap into real intrinsic motivation. At each session we will clarify your desired outcomes, discuss your concerns, identify obstacles and create specific strategies to move you forward towards your wellness vision and goals. 

Single Coaching Session

In this coaching session we will discuss your concerns, identify obstacles to change and create strategies for forward movement in relation to your wellness vision and goals. Single coaching sessions can be booked on an as-needed basis or as part of your health maintenance phase after you've completed a coaching package or series. It's time for a check-in if you are feeling off track from your plan, stuck in a plateau, stressed, discouraged or in need of a kick-in-the-butt to ignite your motivation.  

Worksite Wellness Coaching 

Offering the benefit of health coaching to your employees can provide enormous ROI for your company including decreased health care costs, decrease absenteeism and presenteeism. As well as increased productivity and morale. Behavior change is influenced when self-awareness and motivation connect to goals in relation to personal values. I provide onsite and telephonic coaching to employees, lunch-and-learns, group coaching, yoga and fitness classes. Contract negotiable. 

Receive 30% off all coaching services with a referral from your doctor! 

Click here to download the patient referral form.

Have your doctor fill it out, then email me a copy before our first session.