Is coaching right for me?

Is Coaching Right for me?

If you can relate to any one of the following scenarios and are ready to start making changes and feel better, then you are ready to start the coaching process. 

·      Your doctor has told you it’s time to make some changes for the sake of your health. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, high blood pressure , or high cholesterol, or you are at risk of heart disease. You know what you SHOULD do but can’t seem do it on your own. You might be overwhelmed and don’t know where to start or you’ve tried and failed so many times you’ve given up. 

·      You are overweight or obese and facing health complications. You are tired of feeling sluggish and uncomfortable in your clothes. You’ve tried everything and nothing sticks (except the weight.) Or maybe you’ve never had to worry about your weight until now.

·      You are dealing with anxiety or depression. You don’t want to go on medications or you would like to eventually get off your meds. You are open to making holistic lifestyle changes that could help, such as exercising, eating a balanced diet, or developing a mindfulness practice.

·      You chronically feel overwhelmed and stressed with life’s responsibilities. Or perhaps you are burned out and desperately need a change.

·      You’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, such as arthritis, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or others.  You know making changes to your diet could bring relief but you need help adopting the changes.

·      Family health is your concern. You need help getting your kids to eat healthier. You need guidance when it comes to meal planning and getting everyone off the couch and moving. Or perhaps you are a new parent and you are struggling to juggle it all. I’ve been there and I can help.

Click here to see what other clients have said about their experience being coached.